Okay, there are plenty of myths out there surrounding bird feeding. From taking down your feeder for migrating birds to throwing out stale bread, there is a lot of contradictory information to sift through.
Here is a quick run-down that I hope will help. As I am preparing for my photo show, I had to do this in a rush, but I will certainly be back soon with more!!!!
Once you start you should continue! Birds won’t starve in the winter, but they do get used to a certain area and will move on if food gets scarce.
Feed the birds all year for the best results.
Provide several types of feeders for the best variety and so birds don’t feel crowded.
Provide food, shelter and water
Keep feeders and houses clean! If you can’t clean them when you fill them, then don’t feed them.
Practice predator control.
Keep a bird journal.
Provide a variety of food:
v Millet
v Black-oil or striped sunflower seeds (hulled or not)
v Cracked Corn
v Nyjer (Thistle)
v Suet
v Nuts
v Mealworms
Other tips and resources:
Ø Birds like running water and clean birdbaths.
Ø Cavity nesting space is at a premium so putting up a box is a great family activity and helps your chances of attracting birds.
Ø Don’t feed last year’s feed. Seeds spoil and attract bugs, etc. Keep in a dry, sealed container and replace if it’s been around since last winter.
Ø There are better options than stale bread and it attracts other critters.
Ø Move your feeders around to discourage pests, disease, parasites and general mess.
Ø If large pests are a problem, don’t fill your feeders all the way. Provide food for the bigger critters in other areas of your yard.
Ø Add some natural materials nearby for comfort, perching, preening and shelter. I leave my hibiscus trees by the feeders so they have a place to hang out in. I also have a large crepe myrtle by the deck and arbor vitae along the deck.
Ø Don’t throw away your Christmas tree and garden cuttings. These make great habitats and provide nesting material in the spring.
Ø Use native plants, trees and shrubs. Plant winter resistant berry-bearing trees and shrubs.
Ø Let your flowers go to seed for food supplies in the fall and winter.
Ø Provide nesting material with the exception of dryer lint and other chemically treated materials.
Ø Location is often the key to placing feeders and nest boxes. Just like us, they are looking for an ideal environment.
Ø Turn to reputable sources such as the Audubon Society and Cornell Ornithology lab.
Ø My blog uses these as resources to dispel common bird myths and misconceptions.
Feed the birds all year for the best results.
Provide several types of feeders for the best variety and so birds don’t feel crowded.
Provide food, shelter and water
Keep feeders and houses clean! If you can’t clean them when you fill them, then don’t feed them.
Practice predator control.
Keep a bird journal.
Provide a variety of food:
v Millet
v Black-oil or striped sunflower seeds (hulled or not)
v Cracked Corn
v Nyjer (Thistle)
v Suet
v Nuts
v Mealworms
Other tips and resources:
Ø Birds like running water and clean birdbaths.
Ø Cavity nesting space is at a premium so putting up a box is a great family activity and helps your chances of attracting birds.
Ø Don’t feed last year’s feed. Seeds spoil and attract bugs, etc. Keep in a dry, sealed container and replace if it’s been around since last winter.
Ø There are better options than stale bread and it attracts other critters.
Ø Move your feeders around to discourage pests, disease, parasites and general mess.
Ø If large pests are a problem, don’t fill your feeders all the way. Provide food for the bigger critters in other areas of your yard.
Ø Add some natural materials nearby for comfort, perching, preening and shelter. I leave my hibiscus trees by the feeders so they have a place to hang out in. I also have a large crepe myrtle by the deck and arbor vitae along the deck.
Ø Don’t throw away your Christmas tree and garden cuttings. These make great habitats and provide nesting material in the spring.
Ø Use native plants, trees and shrubs. Plant winter resistant berry-bearing trees and shrubs.
Ø Let your flowers go to seed for food supplies in the fall and winter.
Ø Provide nesting material with the exception of dryer lint and other chemically treated materials.
Ø Location is often the key to placing feeders and nest boxes. Just like us, they are looking for an ideal environment.
Ø Turn to reputable sources such as the Audubon Society and Cornell Ornithology lab.
Ø My blog uses these as resources to dispel common bird myths and misconceptions.