Thursday, June 08, 2006


Sylvia never fails to deliver, or impress! She is a lean, mean, egg-laying machine: determined and focused. She began laying her second clutch on May 29th. I figured she would be done when egg number 4 rolled around (sorry, pun intended). Needless to say she laid another one and then I thought that 5 must be her magic number and since that is in the average range, I was sure she was done. Alas, imagine my surprise when I discovered egg number 6 when I returned home from the volunteer appreciation picnic!

That’s right, folks, six eggs! I am very excited, although worried about how crowded it will be in there after witnessing five little buggars all clamoring for mealworms and attention.

On that note, I have received a lot of questions about “sibling rivalry” and survival of the fittest, etc. In my reading I have learned that Bluebirds very rarely exhibit any behavior of that sort. They are fairly communal and tolerant of one another, especially considering there is a lot of head-standing. By that, I mean standing on one another’s heads! “I can’t see! I can’t see!” This happened a lot toward the fledge date and was quite comical.

There will be plenty of this footage and more comical outtakes at my program. I forgot to add the link last time to Parks and Rec. so here it is:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Jess...I knew you were into birds but never realized the wealth of info that you held. This site is amazing. My sister is a amateur bird watcher so I am going to pass this site on to her.... Great Work! Jodi