Thursday, April 10, 2014


So here I am writing again on the bird blog with fervor and zest!!! It is SPRING and renewal and rebirth and energy abounds. The Bird Nerd is now fully immersed in all things bird and birding, after lighting at Wild Birds Unlimited of Yorktown, VA. As the Community Outreach Coordinator, I am reaching out to the community holding talks and classes about birds, backyard habitats and photography. It has been a wild past eight months and I have added lots of life birds to the list. Hampton roads is an exciting place for a birder and now that spring is here, it's time to start focusing on the neo-tropical birds who migrate here every Spring and call the area and many other areas along the Eastern Seaboard home for at least a few months while they breed and raise their young.

Look to the next post for some specific accounts of new sightings and tips on what to look for in your very own backyard!

Cheers and Happy Birding!

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