Tuesday, January 17, 2006

New Year, New Bird House

Here we are in the doldrums of winter and I have been wondering how the critters are dealing with the wacky weather trends happening all over the country. As my bulbs have sprouted thanks to some of our Spring-like days, I can only imagine that the birds are equally confused and may start their Spring activities early. I am pretty sure they have an inner clock that keeps them straight no matter what the temperatures are doing. What about the hibernating critters? Do they stir from their deep slumbers on uncharacteristic warm days? It moves us outside, stirs us from our cozy houses and lifts our moods, how can it not have the same effect on animals?

Well, the feeders are full of activity and the weather has not been much of a deterrent. The howling winds we had for two days straight certainly kept the birds away, but as soon as the air was still again, they were back. It is getting close to house hunting time for the bluebirds and soon they will separate from their flocks and leave their siblings and cousins behind to start families on their own. I am ready and waiting with my new video camera-equipped bluebird house! As soon as we have a dry day, I am going to get it up and running. I only hope that they are not deterred by the new house, but excited about it. I am replacing an old, wooden, plain-jane, $8.00 one that I bought at the local hardware store as a temporary fix, but they seem to prefer it to my $50, indestructible, recycled milk-jug houses. Oh well, one can never guess what nature will do! My fingers are crossed, though and I am looking forward to live bluebird video. I'm sure the cats will enjoy it, too!

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