Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me.......

Okay, a cheesy one-hit wonder from the eighties, but also how the Bluebirds must be feeling now that Big Brother, or rather, a big bird nerd is watching. That's right, the bird-cam is up and running and I am ready to start recording all of the live bird on bird action! Seriously folks, this has got to be one of the best gifts ever and it even had sound! I have it connected to my big-screen TV and can watch all of the activity in two ways: from the comfort of my couch in front of the fireplace and also out the window that is just to the left of the TV and has a perfect view of the birdhouse. I am trying to come up with a name for the birdie love shack and welcome any suggestions. I think I have the names for the birds: Betty and Lloyd. I have no clue where those came from, but Lloyd popped in when I was animating Betty, watching her hopping around inside, looking up at the camera suspiciously. I imagined her yelling out to Lloyd (who was on top chirping at her): "Lloyd? Did you install a ceiling fan in here? Did the landlords do some renovations I don't know about?" Hopefully the camera won't deter them. They have built in the same spot the past two years, and have bred successfully all season long both years. I just checked and there is still no new building material, but hopefully we'll see some action in the next week or so. It's definitely time for box hunting, and nest building should begin in a few weeks. I am planning on setting up two of my recycled milk jug boxes in neighbor's yards since they seem to be too close to my original box for comfort. Hopefully they will choose the boxes over people's black metal mailboxes that are not conducive for eggs.

Well, happy spring and remember to be alert to birds shooting across roads as they become more active. The Robins are arriving in the mid-Atlantic and the White-throated Sparrows and Juncos should be shoving off soon. The song Sparrows are all a-twitter and the woodpeckers and Nuthatches are very active. Spring is springing!

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